The project is divided into four different workpages, for which the partners are collaborating.
WP100 – Project Office BIOMASS
Our coordination office takes care of the internal and external communication and disseminates information on the project, by organizing workshops, webinars and a Summer School in 2022. We also take care of the administrative coordination and the financial planning.
WP200 – Data Utilization Concept
The overall resposibe for this workpackage is Nuno Carvalhais (MPI-BGC), but each of our partners takes care of different aspects of this work package. Aim is the development and iteration of a utilization concept that triggers a broad and multifold scientific, as well as commercial, exploration of the BIOMASS datasets.
- WP210 – Tomographic and interferometric data
Konstantinos Papathanassiou (DLR – HR) is responsible to develop a utilization concept for tomographic and interferometric data, which will account for the actual BIOMASS data but will also consider alternative or new products. and data levels that may be relevant for the user community.

- WP220 – BIOMASS data products
Nuno Carvalhais (MPI-BGC) and Konstantinos Papathanassiou will develop a knowledge chain underlying the BIOMASS products, e.g. design and physical concepts of the used algorithms. - WP230 – Terrestrial carbon cycle dynamics and modelling
Friedrich Bohn and Andreas Huth (UFZ) will develop a concept in close coorperation with Nuno Carvalhais (MPI-BGC) on how to use the BIOMASS data to better understand the role of the terrestrial ecosystems in a context of global climate change. They will use the FORMIND modell for their research.

WP400 – Public relations and dissemination
The project office takes care of the outreach of EEBIOMASS. We establish a national user community and disseminate the outcomes of the work packages to them. We will report about the BIOMASS mission progress