This summer school aims to engage and train you on different dimensions of biomass and Earth observation related topics! We will have keynote speakers from experts in their field, such as Mathew Williams (University of Edinburgh) and Christiane Schmullius (Friedrich-Schiller University, Jena) (more to follow). On the first day you will be introduced to the technical specifications of the mission, on Tuesday we will give you a lot of time to learn to apply your knowledge in hands-on exercises and on Wednesday you will dive into (forest) modelling with our team members from the Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry and the Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research UFZ, Leipzig.
The summer school will take place during the 25-year anniversary of the Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry. As an add-on to our summer school, we will stream (due to COVID-19) the talks of the BGC symposium on June 02 and 03 for our participants into the lecture of the Beutenberg Campus.
Registration will open on January 5, 2022. Target group of the Summer School are (Early Career) scientists from the fields of Remote Sensing, Forest Management and Earth System Sciences.s.